PAS 2035 – Whole Dwelling Retrofit Scheme
Quidos are pleased to announce that they be soon providing a TrustMark-approved Retrofit Assessor scheme in line with the PAS 2035. This is the specification for the energy retrofit of domestic buildings. Becoming a Retrofit Assessor and member of a scheme will mean you are fully qualified to work on domestic retrofit projects.
A quality mark has been produced by Trustmark Government Endorsed Quality, and Retrofit assessors require this mark of approval to show they are accredited with an approved scheme to carry out their part of a retrofit project. In addition to this, the quality mark can be used by assessors to show that their skills, practices and standards are of the highest quality.
PAS 2035 Working Group
PEPA (Property Energy Professionals Association) as a trade body have put together a PAS 2035 working group, where representatives from Schemes come together to develop a standardised framework for the PAS 2035.
Going forward all updates will be placed in the technical bulletins and e-shots, so please sign up to receive the latest information straight to you.
What is PAS 2035?
As part of the Each Home Counts (previously the Bonfield Review) agenda the development of a new PAS was considered essential as a principal document in the retrofit standards framework, which retrofit assessors and therefore owners of the quality mark will be required to comply with when working on domestic retrofit projects.
Like many Governments before, it is always an ambition to improve the housing stock in the UK. This is done with through ambitions such as reducing carbon emissions as well as fuel poverty, but also through building more houses. Not enough was said and done on existing housing stock. Each Home Counts clearly showed more was needed to be done by emphasising the current failures and shaping a better process for retrofitting existing house stock with energy efficient measures. Out of this came PAS 2035, which is to be used from the start to finish of the retrofit project.
The new takes a whole-dwelling approach instead of isolating individual parts. By looking at the home, occupancy, improvement measures wanted/recommended as well as the condition of the property, the idea is to determine the most suitable measures to install. This should eliminate or largely reduce unintentional damaged caused by the previous isolationist approach (severe issues with ventilation) and improve the quality of retrofit work which is largely funded by banks and lenders. Essentially, any funding applied for is used for actual improvement measures.
In time, it is Quidos, as well as the industry’s, expectation that all other Government retrofit projects (such as ECO 3) will require compliance with PAS 2035.
PAS 2035 Software
Our development team are working closely with the PAS Working Group to keep up-to-date with the software requirements going forward and aim to provide software that is linked into our new mobile app due Autumn 2019.
PAS 2035 Training
Quidos as part of the PAS2035 working group will be developing our own formal training to offer to energy assessors in the near future. As the training framework is currently being finalised and is yet to be signed off, Quidos will provide details on training in due course. To sign up for updates please contact us here.
ECO3 Consultation
On 9th July, BEIS released a formal consultation into ECO3, with a view to including PAS 2035. The idea being to introduce a funding stream that includes the installation of retrofit energy efficiency measures. Quidos Accreditation Scheme will be responding to the consultation and we encourage our members to participate.