Once a report has been lodged, there is no way to amend the details within that report including the Address. Therefore the incorrect report will need to be cancelled.

To do this, you will need to select the report within the RdSAP Calculation section of your iQ-Energy Account, and then select the Cancel option listed along the bottom of the page. To recreate the report, again select the cancelled report and select the Copy option at the bottom of the page. This will create a second version of the cancelled report.


You can then edit the address of this report and lodge the Report. Ensure to press save on the address page before calculating the report


For Non-Domestic ONLY:

To relodge the report, you will need to move the Inspection Date forward by one day. This is important, as it ensures your report is available on Landmark. The Landmark Register will only make available the most recent EPC on a property